Making the Switch…Frederique

  For our French campaign this week, ‘Du Rouge Au Vert’ – Eco Femme ambassador and retailer, Frédérique shares her making the switch story in French (English translation below) Comment je suis passé d’une consommation de produits d’hygiène...

The Language of Menstruation

  “It is important to examine the language we use, or the language that we have been forbidden to use, and question how it is instrumental in constructing how we think about our body and self….When we don’t talk about menstruation, when we emphasise...

Unlearning Menstruation: Men in Menstruation

Men in menstruation – are we addressing the elephant in the room? Conversations with men can reveal a lot… “Women never include us in menstruation matters. They talk in whispers and codes all the time” “A woman is impure during menstruation. I will not touch my...