Make The Switch… Natasha

Eco Femme Communications Manager, Natasha, shares her story on switching to sustainable menstrual products for better health. Periods have always carried a negative connotation in my head, largely owing to the painful cramps that keep me bedridden on my first two...

Making the Switch…Jharna

Eco Femme ambassador, Jharna, shares her story on switching to sustainable menstrual products and becoming a menstrual health educator. I have always had a decent, mildly painful, only 5 day long period and had no physical reasons to make a switch to sustainable...

Meet the ambassador: Tanvi

It was a first for me when girls were paraded around almost in a walk of shame, simply because of a stain.  It was a first for me when we were applauded about talking in whispers about Stayfree and Whisper. As I stood performing my piece on menstruation at a spoken...