by Eco Femme | Oct 21, 2019 | Blog, Making the switch
Eco Femme ambassador, Jharna, shares her story on switching to sustainable menstrual products and becoming a menstrual health educator. I have always had a decent, mildly painful, only 5 day long period and had no physical reasons to make a switch to sustainable...
by Eco Femme | Mar 13, 2019 | Blog, Education
Eco Femme Pad for Pad facilitator and trainer Nikethana, shares her reflections on giving menstrual health education sessions to girls and women around India. I have been working as a part of Eco Femme’s Pad for Pad programme for more than 2 years now as a...
by Eco Femme | Aug 22, 2018 | Blog, Environment
The humanitarian crisis facing Kerala in the wake of the devastating flooding has prompted many concerned individuals and organisations to contact us regarding providing our reusable cloth pads to those affected and the big question is: “what products are best...
by Eco Femme | Mar 2, 2018 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
“Chemical soup… a ticking time bomb” “Chemical cocktail” “Questionable ingredients…” The prevalence of toxic chemicals in today’s world is no longer a question. The comments above could apply to any number of items – from the food we eat and...
by Eco Femme | Feb 12, 2018 | Blog, Culture
Continuing the conversation Padman: it hardly needs an introduction. The film, inspired by the life of Arunachalam Muruganantham, has punched a long overdue, pad sized hole in a subject typically defined by shame and silence: menstruation. After discovering his wife...