Making the Switch
Making the switch…Kelsey
Sep 27, 2023 | Ambassadors., Blog, Making the switch
Kelsey spent 7 weeks interning here at The Eco Femme headquarters in early 2017, here, she shares her journey from first period to her diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (You can read a more detailed piece about her journey with PCOS here). Our thanks to...
Making the Switch…Jharna
Oct 21, 2019 | Blog, Making the switch
Eco Femme ambassador, Jharna, shares her story on switching to sustainable menstrual products and becoming a menstrual health educator. I have always had a decent, mildly painful, only 5 day long period and had no physical reasons to make a switch to sustainable...
Making the Switch…Kavya
Dec 11, 2017 | Blog, Making the switch
Kavya Menon, a biotechnology graduate from IIT Madras, worked with rural communities to understand the need for menstrual hygiene, addressed taboos and introduced simple home remedies during her SBI Youth Fellowship tenure. Currently, she resides in Chennai, and...
Making the switch…Yael
Aug 24, 2016 | Blog, Making the switch
Our ambassador in Israel, Yael shares her making the switch story... Well, the first time I got to know this beautiful idea, was during the time I was a nature activist. I volunteered for 3 years in a non profitable green organization in a commune life. We were...
Making the switch…Parul
Mar 16, 2016 | Blog, Making the switch
Eco Femme supporter Parul shares her story... I was fortunate enough to have parents who didn't consider menstruation a taboo and I could freely talk about it at home. Moreover, at school, we had an orientation programme for the same to acquaint young girls about safe...
Making the switch…Laura
Sep 19, 2015 | Blog, Making the switch
Eco Femme team member Laura, shares how she came to make the switch. Thinking back to the first time I learned of my fate as a female makes me laugh. I must have been around 10 or 11 and my mother told me that soon I would start bleeding every month and would continue...
Collaborating with Sharana to give menstrual education to adolescent girls and women
Jan 23, 2023 | Ecosisterhood stories, Education, Health & Hygiene, Making the switch, Pad for pad.
Written by Sharana. Sharana collaborates with Eco Femme, Auroville to create Menstrual Cycle Literacy and encourage the use of Cloth Pads among Adolescent Girls and Women In Sharana, as an organization we have never claimed to be able to do it all on our own; we are...
Making the Switch…Frederique
Feb 25, 2019 | Blog, Making the switch
For our French campaign this week, 'Du Rouge Au Vert' - Eco Femme ambassador and retailer, Frédérique shares her making the switch story in French (English translation below) Comment je suis passé d’une consommation de produits d’hygiène jetables à une...
Making the switch… Vanessa and Erdmuthe
Jun 14, 2017 | Ambassadors., Blog, Making the switch
Vanessa and Erdmuthe run Alternulltiv, a zero waste initiative in Hamberg, Germany. They are also Eco Femme ambassadors and share info on reusable menstrual products as part of their workshops. Thanks for sharing your story ladies! 🙂 It all started when we both had...
Making the switch…Hattie
Jul 14, 2016 | Blog, Making the switch
One of our UK ambassadors, Hattie, shares her making the switch story. Thanks Hattie! My journey into making the switch from disposable to reusable sanitary products began with a desire to cut down on the amount of waste I produced as an individual. I didn't realise...
Making the Switch…Rajasi
Feb 17, 2016 | Blog, Making the switch
Rajasi shares her making the switch story. Thank you for sharing Rajasi! It's been 15 years I'm bleeding and I decided to write a reflection about it. I remember how my mother had handed me my grandmas' old saree and taught me how to use cloth. The cloth folds were...
Making the switch…Caroline
Sep 5, 2015 | Blog, Making the switch
One of our UK ambassadors and founder of Campaign for Cloth, Caroline shares her making the switch story. I’m relatively new to the wonders of reusable pads, but after nearly two years of using them I can honestly say I will never use disposables again. I used...
Make The Switch… Natasha
Apr 28, 2020 | Blog, Making the switch
Eco Femme Communications Manager, Natasha, shares her story on switching to sustainable menstrual products for better health. Periods have always carried a negative connotation in my head, largely owing to the painful cramps that keep me bedridden on my first two...
10 reasons to switch to cloth pads
Nov 12, 2018 | Blog, Making the switch
1. They’re lovely and soft against your skin so you hardly feel like you’re wearing a pad. 2. They’re flexible so they mould to the curve of your body and move with you. 3. There’s no sticky backing so you never get your pubic hair agonisingly pulled if you get your...
Making the switch…Melanie
Sep 26, 2016 | Blog, Making the switch
Former Eco Femme team member, Melanie, shares her story with us. Merci Melanie! 🙂 It's been a while now that I promised my colleague Laura I'd sit down and tell my story on switching to sustainable menstrual products...Today is the day! I'm now 24 years old and I...
Making the switch…Kathy
May 26, 2016 | Blog, Making the switch
Eco Femme co-founder Kathy shares her making the switch story... When I moved to India to live in Auroville 18 years ago, one of the first things that I found myself having to contend with was how to dispose of my sanitary waste. In the west, there is at least the...
Making the switch…Jane
Oct 19, 2015 | Blog, Making the switch
UK ambassador and founder of Woman's Wheel, Jane shares her making the switch story... My story about making the switch starts with me standing at my bright red front door in North Wales in 2012! My rucksack was packed and I grabbed my helmet before locking the...
Making the switch…Laurie
Aug 21, 2015 | Blog, Making the switch
In the first of our 'Making the switch' blog posts, Eco Femme volunteer Laurie recounts her earliest experiences of menstrual education and how this shaped her experience. Upon questioning what made me make the switch, my logical and inquisitive mind (OK, not...