Eco-Sisterhood in Action!
Eco Femme Ambassadors are passionate individuals who promote washable cloth pads and a period-positive culture in their communities.
Join the cloth pad revolution!
This is a grassroots movement where you can make a real difference in the lives of the people you care about by sharing your passion, speaking on behalf of your love of the earth and womankind.
Why become an Eco Femme Cloth Pad Ambassador?
Cloth-washable pads and sustainable menstruation are relatively new cultural phenomena. We know that when someone trustworthy speaks about their positive experience of making the switch to cloth pads, that this is truly one of the most effective ways to inspire confidence in others who may be hesitant to give them a go.
Your Work really makeS a difference!

Who can become an Eco Femme Ambassador?
Our Ambassador network is made up of over 350 (and growing!) volunteers from all walks of life – girls, women, mothers, brothers, fathers, doctors, sexual health educators, yoga instructors, artists, anyone! – from all over the world.
They are a highly diverse and creative bunch of individuals in terms of their backgrounds, the activities they undertake, and even age and gender. What they have in common is a passion to change the cultural narrative about how menstruation is viewed and a wish to encourage a widespread shift to sustainable menstrual practices.
Hear their stories and connect with an ambassador near you
How to become an Eco Femme Ambassador?
How you raise awareness about cloth pads and period-positive culture is up to you. We welcome creativity and ideas – be it through advocacy, education (formal and informal), fundraising for our Pad for Pad or Pads for Sisters programmes, events, discussion groups, movie nights, hosting a Red Tent or women’s circles, advocacy and campaigning for e.g. Menstrual Hygiene Day, International Women’s Day, Earth Day or World Environment Day, through social media, workplace presentations, selling Eco Femme pads, period art, blogs, poetry or music… the possibilities are endless!
We are here to support you in undertaking whatever activities you feel called to do, with fantastic resources, samples, phone calls, a sounding board to brainstorm your ideas, online learning, and training (like our Ambassador workshop).

Become a Fundraising Champion
Looking for a meaningful way to spread the cloth pad revolution? Running a fundraising campaign is an incredibly powerful way of creating truly meaningful change for girls in India… the funds you raise go towards our Pad for Pad menstrual health education and free cloth pads kits. We’ve made it super easy to start your own online.
Our Ambassador workshop
We offer workshops in Auroville for our growing network of Ambassadors.
This work is transformative. Sharing these spaces is an opportunity to connect and co-create with one another.
- To zoom out and unpack wider, global cultural trends that are stirring.
- To dive into growing understandings about the feminine and how it can transform our relationship to the earth, with each another.
- To lean into and find our unique voices.

I want to become an Ambassador!
If you would like to join our thriving community of ambassadors, please complete our Ambassador form.
From our Ambassabors
” Being back in France for now, I could see different qualities of pads, and definitely still prefer the quality of Eco Femme so I want to promote that.”
” I strongly believe in the power, love and healing that Eco Femme brings into this world. Such a beautiful project.”
” Using cloth pads has been a beautiful way to connect with, and honour my cycle. To learn to embrace my blood and live the reality of what is to be in my power as a woman, to fully connect with myself.”
” I want to make a change in society for each & every woman out there to be respected and treated with love and care rather than made fun of or make feel uncomfortable about periods. I want to tell every girl or woman out there that periods are not a curse but a wonderful gift from our mother nature.”
” I am a surgeon by profession and see so many women coming with ca cervix and other infections due to various reasons – one of which is menstrual health. I have been trying at my level to express my concern and change the scenario by suggesting them use Eco Femme pads.”
Our stories
Making the switch…Kelsey
Kelsey spent 7 weeks interning here at The Eco Femme headquarters in early 2017, here, she shares her journey from first period to her diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (You can read a more detailed piece about her journey with PCOS here). Our thanks to...
A review of “Period Queen” by Lucy Peach
Book review of “Period Queen” by the Australian Period Preacher Lucy Peach who explains how to take the most of each phase of your menstrual cycle and turn it into a power every month!
Linda’s PCOS Journey
From insecurity to full trust in my body In the spring of 2017, I was in love with life. My new boyfriend was the sweetest thing, we took many weekend trips away, and in the meantime I was writing my thesis. Of course that was stressful, but I constantly felt like...