by Eco Femme | Jun 28, 2017 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
Have you ever wondered, right there and then when you are having those menstrual cramps: “Just WHAT can I do!” Besides slipping a pain killer tablet into your mouth, withdrawing under your bed covers and calling it a day. It is great to have a simple tool...
by Eco Femme | Jun 21, 2017 | Blog, Education
Here is a report on our Pad for Pad progress from 2016-17. Target for the year 2016-17: As Eco Femme continues to see sustained growth in commercial sales which finance the Pad for Pad program, we aimed to expand our reach from 4000 girls to 6000 – 2,000 via...
by Eco Femme | Jun 14, 2017 | Ambassadors., Blog, Making the switch
Vanessa and Erdmuthe run Alternulltiv, a zero waste initiative in Hamberg, Germany. They are also Eco Femme ambassadors and share info on reusable menstrual products as part of their workshops. Thanks for sharing your story ladies! 🙂 It all started when we both had...