by Eco Femme | Sep 4, 2017 | Blog, Culture
Our newest volunteer, Ximena, is from Argentina…so we decided to have a Spanish week! She shares her personal experiences below. Stay tuned over on our social media all week to learn more! Bienvenid@s a la Semana en Español! Nos alegramos de compartir e...
by Eco Femme | Aug 16, 2017 | Blog, Health & Hygiene, Home.
By Stephanie Kraus Every month a woman that menstruates uses some kind of method to handle her blood flow. We can see the blood going into the pad, into the tampon or menstrual cup and into the toilet basin. But have you ever wondered how much do you bleed? What is...
by Eco Femme | Jul 24, 2017 | Blog, Culture
You may have heard the acronym ‘GST’ being used extensively over the past month or so, especially if you live here in India. Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax applicable throughout India which replaced multiple cascading taxes levied...
by Eco Femme | Jun 28, 2017 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
Have you ever wondered, right there and then when you are having those menstrual cramps: “Just WHAT can I do!” Besides slipping a pain killer tablet into your mouth, withdrawing under your bed covers and calling it a day. It is great to have a simple tool...
by Eco Femme | Jun 21, 2017 | Blog, Education
Here is a report on our Pad for Pad progress from 2016-17. Target for the year 2016-17: As Eco Femme continues to see sustained growth in commercial sales which finance the Pad for Pad program, we aimed to expand our reach from 4000 girls to 6000 – 2,000 via...