by Eco Femme | Oct 31, 2022 | Ambassadors., Health & Hygiene
Meet Lucy Peach, the incredible Australian folk singer, songwriter, TED talker, actress, sexual health educator, Period Preacher and recently the author of “Period Queen”. There is absolutely nothing Lucy cannot do! Her 2021 book is a practical and...
by Eco Femme | Feb 28, 2022 | Blog, Eco Femme
Eco Femme cloth pads and menstrual programs have attracted curiosity and attention from many people around the world. How did it start? Where did the idea originate? Why did two foreigners end up in India, creating this social enterprise? The thread that connects all...
by Eco Femme | Feb 12, 2018 | Blog, Culture
Continuing the conversation Padman: it hardly needs an introduction. The film, inspired by the life of Arunachalam Muruganantham, has punched a long overdue, pad sized hole in a subject typically defined by shame and silence: menstruation. After discovering...
by Eco Femme | Jun 14, 2017 | Ambassadors., Blog, Making the switch
Vanessa and Erdmuthe run Alternulltiv, a zero waste initiative in Hamberg, Germany. They are also Eco Femme ambassadors and share info on reusable menstrual products as part of their workshops. Thanks for sharing your story ladies! 🙂 It all started when we both had...