Making the Switch…Jharna

Making the Switch…Jharna

Eco Femme ambassador, Jharna, shares her story on switching to sustainable menstrual products and becoming a menstrual health educator. I have always had a decent, mildly painful, only 5 day long period and had no physical reasons to make a switch to sustainable...
The Language of Menstruation

The Language of Menstruation

  “It is important to examine the language we use, or the language that we have been forbidden to use, and question how it is instrumental in constructing how we think about our body and self….When we don’t talk about menstruation, when we emphasise...

Eco Femme in Ladakh

From 5th – 20th July 2017, Kathy Walking, Nikethana Venkatesan and Mamta Kandari represented Eco Femme, Auroville on a visit to Zanskar Valley, Ladakh in collaboration with Roots Collective, an NGO based in Ladakh. The organisations Zanskar Adventure Point and...