Health & Hygiene
Revisioning menstrual education – Part 1
Jan 10, 2024 | Blog, Education, Health & Hygiene, Pad for pad.
Part 1: Setting the context for a deeper shift By Kathy Walkling, co-founder of Eco Femme. Menstruation has, over the last 15 years, gone from being virtually off the radar to becoming a focal development issue receiving significant global attention,...
Collaborating with Sharana to give menstrual education to adolescent girls and women
Jan 23, 2023 | Ecosisterhood stories, Education, Health & Hygiene, Making the switch, Pad for pad.
Written by Sharana. Sharana collaborates with Eco Femme, Auroville to create Menstrual Cycle Literacy and encourage the use of Cloth Pads among Adolescent Girls and Women In Sharana, as an organization we have never claimed to be able to do it all on our own; we are...
A review of “Period Queen” by Lucy Peach
Oct 31, 2022 | Ambassadors., Health & Hygiene
Book review of “Period Queen” by the Australian Period Preacher Lucy Peach who explains how to take the most of each phase of your menstrual cycle and turn it into a power every month!
Menstrual cycle: tracking or charting?
Sep 21, 2022 | Blog, Eco Femme, Education, Health & Hygiene
Your inbuilt health report card! In the hustle bustle of life, disconnection from one’s own body is inevitable. Have you ignored pain and aches in the body and are unsure about the root cause? Or accepted periodic energy dips and pushed through your days, feeling...
The power of informed choice
Sep 13, 2022 | Eco Femme, Education, Health & Hygiene, Pads for sisters.
(Excerpt from our interview with Maanushi Foundation) Some of the most inspiring stories from the field have been about individuals, alone or in groups, who have been able to bring about profound changes in their society through simple but effective interventions. In...
How to track your Menstrual cycle and why it matters! – Part 2
May 27, 2022 | Eco Femme, Education, Health & Hygiene
.In the part 1 of this blog series, we understood what it means to track your menstrual cycle. In this part 2 of the series, we will dive deeper into the various methods of tracking your menstrual cycle. How to track your Menstrual cycle? There are many different ways...
How to track your Menstrual cycle and why it matters! – Part 1
May 20, 2022 | Eco Femme, Education, Health & Hygiene, Pads for sisters.
First of all, let's understand what menstrual cycle tracking is. Menstrual/ Period cycle tracking is a powerful tool to become familiar with your menstruation. We are passionate about cycle tracking and have long advocated for this practice during all our educational...
From Pill to cycle tracking – a journey of empowerment
May 10, 2022 | Blog, Education, Health & Hygiene
By Susana Bustos (Eco Femme’s Graphic designer) I started tracking my cycle one year ago with some reservations. I was used to using birth control pills to take care of my fertility but I knew that it would be difficult for me to continue this practice when I...
Our collaboration with the organization Sharana to create Menstrual Cycle Literacy and encourage the use of Cloth Pads among Adolescent Girls and Women
Sep 27, 2021 | Health & Hygiene, Pads for sisters.
Written by our partner Sharana from Pondicherry. Sharana collaborates with Eco Femme, Auroville to create Menstrual Cycle Literacy and encourage the use of Cloth Pads among Adolescent Girls and Women. In Sharana, as an organization we have never claimed to be...
Linda’s PCOS Journey
Aug 17, 2021 | Ambassadors., Health & Hygiene, Shop international
From insecurity to full trust in my body In the spring of 2017, I was in love with life. My new boyfriend was the sweetest thing, we took many weekend trips away, and in the meantime I was writing my thesis. Of course that was stressful, but I constantly felt like...
Eco Bébé – Our Story
Jul 26, 2021 | Health & Hygiene, Shop India, Shop international
What planted the seed for Eco Bébé? Our cloth nappy journey evolved alongside our cloth pad journey, starting many years ago. We started stitching cloth pads because we were deeply confronted by the sanitary waste situation in India and all around the...
How to wash my cloth pad? – PART 3: The Cloth-Pad-Soap
Nov 2, 2018 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
You are considering or already made the switch to washable cloth pads. But what about choosing a soap to clean your cloth pads? It should be effective, but it should also not be harmful for your body and our environment, right?! Here is an inspiration, the...
How to wash my cloth pad? PART 3: About our Cloth-Pad-Soap
Nov 2, 2018 | Blog, Health & Hygiene, Product
You are considering or already made the switch to washable cloth pads. What about choosing a soap to clean your cloth pads? It should be effective, but it should also not be harmful for your body and our environment, right?! Here is an inspiration, the Cloth-Pad-Soap....
How to wash my cloth pad? PART 2: Choosing a soap
Nov 1, 2018 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
You’ve become interested in using a menstrual product that is healthier for the environment and for your body. You are considering or already made the switch to washable cloth pads. But what about choosing a washing detergent to clean your cloth pads? It should be...
How to wash my cloth pad? PART 1: A washing routine
Oct 30, 2018 | Blog, Health & Hygiene, Home.
You are considering or already made the switch to this reusable menstrual product and now you are wondering about how to wash your cloth pad? Here is a blog article that gives you some cleaning tips...and is followed by PART 2: Choosing a soap to wash cloth pads and...
Unlearning Menstruation: Disposable Pads & Tampons…A Ticking Time Bomb?
Mar 2, 2018 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
"Chemical soup… a ticking time bomb” “Chemical cocktail” “Questionable ingredients…” The prevalence of toxic chemicals in today’s world is no longer a question. The comments above could apply to any number of items - from the food we eat and the cleaning products...
Periods and Seizures: What is Catamenial Epilepsy?
Jan 8, 2018 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
That time of the month can sometimes be a hassle, what with expensive sanitary products, pain, bloating, the general desire to fall into a pit and never crawl out again. All of those things add to the already unpleasant yet (sometimes) mandatory experience that...
Why switch to organic cotton cloth pads?
Nov 20, 2017 | Blog, Environment, Health & Hygiene, Shop India, Shop international
Organic certified pads, why is that important? Many people might make the assumption that organic product certification is about products that are not harmful to the environment but few people know that this label covers a wider scope of ethical and social concerns....
Natural menstruation
Sep 25, 2017 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
Natural Menstruation - no need for menstrual products? Is this really possible!? Talking about our menstrual flow, you might wonder just what would we do without our menstrual products? Without pads, tampons, cups or otherwise? If you type ‘natural...
Menstruation: How much do we bleed?
Aug 16, 2017 | Blog, Health & Hygiene, Home.
By Stephanie Kraus Every month a woman that menstruate, uses some kind of method to handle her blood flow. We can see the blood going into the pad, into the tampon or menstrual cup and into the toilet basin. But have you ever wondered how much does you bleed? What is...
The AVIVA Method: Self-Help For Your Menstruation!
Jun 28, 2017 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
Have you ever wondered, right there and then when you are having those menstrual cramps: "Just WHAT can I do!" Besides slipping a pain killer tablet into your mouth, withdrawing under your bed covers and calling it a day, it is great to have a simple tool that is...
#ThePadEffect Campaign
May 29, 2017 | Blog, Culture, Education, Environment, Health & Hygiene
From the 1st - 28th May (Menstrual Hygiene Day) we participated in #ThePadEffect campaign lead by Feminism In India (FII) to create more awareness about the harmful effects of disposable, plastic menstrual products and the benefits of switching to sustainable options....
Kelsey’s Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Story
Apr 7, 2017 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
In our continued series on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), former Eco Femme volunteer, Kelsey shares her story on living with and managing this condition. We thank her for sharing her journey, wish her well and send our love! If you think you may have Polycystic...
Shipra’s Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Story
Mar 27, 2017 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
To continue our theme on PCOS, former Eco Femme volunteer turned ambassador, Shipra, shares her story of living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). We're so grateful for her honest and open sharing of this health issue. To learn more about Polycystic Ovarian...
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – A Guide
Mar 20, 2017 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
Despite Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome remaining the most common ovulatory disorder of the female reproductive system affecting a really high 4-12% of women, it's still very difficult to diagnose. An estimated 50% of women who have the condition don't know what 'label'...
Be good to yourself: self help for your menstruation
Aug 25, 2016 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
While there are ailments which do require the assistance of health professionals, there are many good habits that can bring comfort during menstruation which apply to all phases of the menstrual cycle. Stress, poor diet, lack of sleep and an irregular lifestyle can...
Disposable menstrual products- Convenience at what cost? (part 2)
Aug 4, 2016 | Blog, Environment, Health & Hygiene
Traditionally, women all over the world have used cloth to handle their monthly menstrual flow. These days, however, disposable menstrual products such as pads and tampons are more commonly used around the world. Promoted for their convenience, these products are...
Convenience at what cost?
May 11, 2015 | Environment, Health & Hygiene
Traditionally, women all over the world have used cloth to handle their monthly menstrual flow. These days, however, disposable menstrual products have become commonplace in many countries and are now gaining popularity around the world. Promoted for their...
Meet our new Full Cycle Kit!
Sep 26, 2014 | Blog, Eco Femme, Health & Hygiene
We are happy to present our new Full Cycle Kit! This kit introduces you to our pad range, containing different pad sizes to use during different times of your monthly cycle. Our newest kit is a great way to make the switch to a greener period and makes a great...
Medicinal plants and asanas for a more comfortable cycle
Dec 30, 2013 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
We are honored to present two beautiful works by our lovely volunteers, Elena and Alissa. Visiting students from the States, they dedicated a great amount of research and effort into producing both an educational video that helps explain natural yogic positions to...
Profoundly simple revelation in early detection of cervical cancer in Indian women!
Jun 30, 2013 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
Eco Femme is dedicated to the health and education of women, and we love news of progression! In rural India, customary cultural practices and beliefs perpetuate a heavy, palpable silence surrounding the physical, mental and social wellbeing of women and girls....