by Eco Femme | Dec 12, 2016 | Blog, Eco Femme
Our ambassador, Michaela shared with us her experiences of promoting sustainable menstruation over the summer in Sweden. Our thanks to Michaela for sharing and if you’re inspired by Michaela’s work in sharing Eco Femme and discussing sustainable...
by Eco Femme | Sep 26, 2016 | Blog, Making the switch
Former Eco Femme team member, Melanie, shares her story with us. Merci Melanie! 🙂 It’s been a while now that I promised my colleague Laura I’d sit down and tell my story on switching to sustainable menstrual products…Today is the day! I’m now...
by Eco Femme | Aug 25, 2016 | Blog, Health & Hygiene
While there are ailments which do require the assistance of health professionals, there are many good habits that can bring comfort during menstruation which apply to all phases of the menstrual cycle. Stress, poor diet, lack of sleep and an irregular lifestyle can...
by Eco Femme | Aug 4, 2016 | Blog, Environment, Health & Hygiene
Traditionally, women all over the world have used cloth to handle their monthly menstrual flow. These days, however, disposable menstrual products such as pads and tampons are more commonly used around the world. Promoted for their convenience, these products are...
by Eco Femme | Aug 2, 2016 | Blog, Culture, Ecosisterhood.
India is a melting pot of differences; twenty-nine states, seven union territories, six major religions, twenty two official languages, and dry, desert climates alongside months of monsoon(1). Although existing in vague harmony(2), a kaleidoscope nation like this...