We need YOU!

We need YOU!

Dear Friends, we are posting regarding our Pad for Pad programme, which you may already be aware of.   Pad for Pad: Passing on the power of informed choice. Through this programme, we deliver menstrual health education and offer cloth pads to...

Eco Femmes’ guide to Period Tracking Apps

This guide to period tracking apps was written on the day of Saraswati (or Ayudha) Puja, celebrated all across India. As the mythological story goes, on this day the Goddess Saraswati created powerful weapons to kill the demon ‘Magishasuran’. These weapons were then...

Spanish week

Our newest volunteer, Ximena, is from Argentina…so we decided to have a Spanish week! She shares her personal experiences below. Stay tuned over on our social media all week to learn more! Bienvenid@s a la Semana en Español! Nos alegramos de compartir e...