Let’s Talk About Menstruation!

Let’s Talk About Menstruation!

  I am starting to write this article today and today I am on the first day of my period. Here I am sitting in front of the computer, I am tired and don’t feel like concentrating. I am feeling good overall but I’d just like to have some time for myself. Luckily I am...

Making the switch…Melanie

Former Eco Femme team member, Melanie, shares her story with us. Merci Melanie! 🙂 It’s been a while now that I promised my colleague Laura I’d sit down and tell my story on switching to sustainable menstrual products…Today is the day! I’m now...

Pad for Pad report 2015-16

Here is a report on our Pad for Pad progress from 2015-16.   Target for the year 2015-16: Our plan was to reach out to 4000 girls – half through sessions we directly implement with girls in our bio-region and half via implementation partners spread across the...

Jane’s Magical Menstrual Tour Q&A

We caught up Jane, one of our ambassadors from Woman’s Wheel, about what makes a ‘menstrual pilgrim’ go to a country she knows no-one on a Magical Menstrual Tour’…   When did you first come up with the idea of the tour? Hahaha no surprises here, it came to me...

Fun and Lovely Ways to Introduce Menstruation

Language is not neutral; even when we want to talk about menstruation with daughters, younger female relatives or even sons, the scripts and resources commonly available tend to cast menstruation in a negative light—or make it purely biological. Here are 4 creative...