Spanish week

Our newest volunteer, Ximena, is from Argentina…so we decided to have a Spanish week! She shares her personal experiences below. Stay tuned over on our social media all week to learn more! Bienvenid@s a la Semana en Español! Nos alegramos de compartir e...

Making the switch…Yael

  Our ambassador in Israel, Yael shares her making the switch story… Well, the first time I got to know this beautiful idea, was during the time I was a nature activist. I volunteered for 3 years in a non profitable green organization in a commune life. We...

Jane’s Magical Menstrual Tour Q&A

We caught up Jane, one of our ambassadors from Woman’s Wheel, about what makes a ‘menstrual pilgrim’ go to a country she knows no-one on a Magical Menstrual Tour’…   When did you first come up with the idea of the tour? Hahaha no surprises here, it came to me...

An introduction from one of our Ambassadors…

This is a piece written by one of our ambassadors, Jane. She runs a Red Tent womens group and uses some of that group time to talk about and demonstrate our pads. There are a number of ways to get involved as an ambassador for Eco Femme and we are so grateful to Jane...